Absent Mind
Absent Mind is a short film that explores the elusive line between normal cognitive aging and dementia. Myrtle (Denny Dillon) lives with her son, John (Jeremy Kushnier) and daughter-in-law, Kimberly (Jessica Phillips) and is growing more and more absent-minded by the day. As Myrtle's actions become more inexplicable, John and Kim struggle to diagnose the severity of her condition. They wonder if Myrtle is merely retaliating against their voiced suspicions or if she is not aware of her behavior. Myrtle's final act could be the clincher.
2019 Toronto Shorts Int'l Film Festival - Official Selection
2017 Los Angeles Film Awards - Best First Time Screen Writer
2017 Top Shorts Film Festival - Best Drama Screenplay
2017 Hollywood Int'l Moving Pictures Film Festival Semi-Finalist
Written and Directed by: Emilie Khair
Produced by: Laury Christensen and Emilie Khair
Co-Produced by: Ashley Kate Adams
Starring: Jeremy Kushnier, Jessica Phillips & Denny Dillion
Casting by: Eisenberg/Bean Casting